Tough Talk

Ian from Tough Talk

Sunday 30th March 9.30am and 11.00am

Join us for an uplifting morning at Christ Church, as part of our Welcome Weekend, with an inspirational time led by Ian from Tough Talk.

Ian began working as a nightclub bouncer at the age of 18 and by the time he was 24 violence and anger had taken over his life. All the time he was getting more involved in crime and the taking of anabolic steroids. He lived for his obsession: bodybuilding but the drugs were destroying his health. His heart was becoming cold and hard as stone. A serious fight at a club one night was to lead to his life changing for ever.

Want to know more? The join us at either 9.30am or to hear more from this inspirational man.

For more information please contact us.

If you would like to know more about the organisation Tough Talk please see their website