Praying and worshipping together are a vital part of our life as Christians, helping each other deepen our relationship with God. We realise that different people worship in different ways and therefore offer a choice of style of worship, with two different services each week. Tea and coffee are served between the two services.
Once a month (and every Sunday during August) we all worship together. This All Age Worship replaces both the 9.30am and 11.00am services. Tea and coffee are served before these services.
See below for more information on our different services, and the dates of our All Age Worship services.
Many of our services are Live Streamed on YouTube for those who are unable to make it to the service in person. They are then available on our Christ Church Braintree YouTube page to watch at another time. To access these please click here.
Sundays at 9.30am: Traditional Morning Worship
(no 9.30am service on our All Age Worship Sundays – see below for details and dates of these 10.30am services)
Our traditional style service is about an hour long and is led by the preacher. Our choral group will often sing anthems at the start and end of the service. Hymns are mainly older, more traditional and are accompanied by church organ or piano.
Sundays at 11.00am: Contemporary Morning Worship and Junior Church
(no 11.00am service on our All Age Worship Sundays – see below for details and dates of these 10.30am services)
This service usually runs for between 60 and 90 minutes. Our worship group lead sung worship and prayers, using a mix of new songs and some traditional hymns. There is also often a children’s talk and an adult’s talk during the service.
Our children and young people are with us for the start of the service, then go to their groups. Once a month we have a family service where the children and young people stay in the service with us and we can worship together.
Sundays, once a month at 10.30am: All Age Worship
Our All Age Worship services, which take place once a month, and every Sunday during August, are a chance for all of our church family to get together to worship together. This service includes elements of both the traditional and contemporary services, using church organ, the choral group and the worship group.
These services are suitable for all ages and our children and young people stay in rather than going out to their individual groups.
Our All Age Worship services replace both 9.30am and 11.00am services on the Sundays they take place.
Dates for our upcoming All Age Worship services are:
Sunday 16th June
Sunday 21st July
August: Every Sunday
Sunday 15th September
Sunday 20th October
Sunday 17th November
Sunday 15th December
Sundays, once a month at 9.15am: Wiggle Church
Wiggle Church is especially for 0-7 year olds. It is a fun-filled 30 minutes with songs, stories and activities.
It takes place once a month on the same Sunday as our All Age Worship services (but not during July or August).
Dates for our upcoming Wiggle Church are:
Sunday 16th June
Sunday 15th September
Sunday 20th October
Sunday 17th November
Sunday 15th December
Sunday Afternoon Services at 3.00pm
Occasionally we hold a service on a Sunday afternoon. This is usually in a more traditional style.
Our next afternoon services will take place on the following dates:
Sunday 23rd June
Sunday 20th October
Special Services
At various times during the year we have special services, for example our Harvest Celebration, where we all come together for one service on a Sunday morning, usually at 10.30am. These services are for all ages with activities available for children. See All Age Worship above for dates of some of our upcoming special services. We will also have additional services for Christmas and Easter.
For more information on any of our services, please contact us.