Toddler Group

Image of a Toddler group child's toy

The Tots R Us Toddler group gives mum and dads, grandparents and childminders a safe place for their children to play and gives them time to meet other parents. There is a carpeted area for young children and babies with baby seats and soft toys, a craft area, reading books, puzzles, tea sets, building bricks, toy cars, tunnels, ride on cars, pushchairs and dolls. Sessions may finish with a sing-along, with action songs and instruments to play.

Tots R Us toddler group sessions run during term time:

Mondays 1.00pm – 2.30pm (re-starting 20th February 2023)

Thursdays 10.00am – 11.30am

£1 per family (including refreshments)

All welcome. What more could a tot wish for!

For more information please contact us

