
New life new hope Easter image

Easter is the main festival of the Christian church year. On Easter day we celebrate that Jesus rose to life again after his death on the cross (crucifixion) for our sins.

The week leading up to Easter day is called Holy Week. Palm Sunday marks the start of Holy Week and it is on this day that we remember Jesus triumphant entry into Jerusalem, riding on a colt, where people waved palm branches. Often at this service we give out palm crosses.

On Good Friday we remember Jesus’ crucifixion. He died so that we could be forgiven for all the things we do wrong. The churches in Braintree like to remember this time together, through a joint service which is held in a different church each year, followed by a short service under the bandstand in George Yard shopping centre.

We have two services on Easter morning. At our later service, we usually decorate a cross with flowers to signify the new life that we now have, because of Jesus love for us.

We would love for you to join us at any of our Easter services to celebrate and remember this special time of year.


Easter Service Times 2023


Palm Sunday, 2nd April

Services at 9.30am and 11.00am


Maundy Thursday, 6th April

Service at 7.45pm


Good Friday, 7th April

10.00am United Service at St Michael’s Church

followed by Walk of Witness and

11.00am Service in George Yard


Easter Day, Sunday 9th April

8am : Early Morning service, followed by breakfast

10.30am : Worship Together


For more information, please contact us