Puppet Ministry Training Day

One Way UK Presents

Puppet ministry training day image

Puppet Ministry Training Day Essex


Saturday 20th April 2024, 10am – 4.30pm


What is it?

The Puppet Ministry Training Day will be a practical event designed to help you discover the true potential of puppet ministry. Whether you are brand new to using puppets or seeking to enhance your existing skills, this day is packed with valuable experiences, resources and inspiration. Engage in interactive sessions led by experienced puppeteers and learn techniques that will elevate your performances.

Hands-on workshops

Explore basic and advanced puppet manipulation skills, solo and puppetry, starting a puppet ministry, props and scenery, choreography and much more.

Inspiring Performances

Witness engaging performances and demonstrations, offering insights and sparking new ideas for your own ministry. Be inspired by the creative possibilities that puppetry brings to outreach, teaching and community engagement.

Places cost £30, Under 16’s £20. To book your place or for more information, please contact us