What is a Christian?

When you understand who Jesus is, (if you’re not sure, have a look at Who Is Jesus?) the next question is, ‘How are you going to respond to Him?’

A Christian is basically someone who has decided to trust in Jesus being God in human form, who died and rose again. This can then impact that person’s life in a way which transforms each and every day.

Some people today suggest that being a Christian is boring or irrelevant. In fact, it is a daily adventure that we agree to when we put Jesus in charge of our life. The adventure starts when we allow God to shape our thoughts and actions and to show us how to live like Jesus. That opens up a way to life at its absolute best.

It is essential to realise that being a Christian does not make a person superior or perfect. However, the Bible does say that ‘…if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.’

Whatever a person’s age, gender, race, education, lifestyle or background, everyone needs this freedom which can bring such transformation in life. Freedom to know God, to understand love in its most powerful and purest form, which leads to freedom from guilt, shame and fear.

The most recognised symbol of Christianity is the cross. Look around in any church and you will see the symbol of the cross. It was when Jesus died on the cross as an innocent sacrifice that the power of God’s love for you was most powerfully displayed.

Many people don’t look at the death of Jesus on the cross as an event which affects them. They consider that an event that happened over 2,000 years ago and more than 2,000 miles away cannot have any impact on their life today.

However, the last words that Jesus spoke out on the cross were, ‘It is finished!’ The things that divide people from God are finished, the things that weigh us down, and indeed the never-ending questions about the purpose of life, find their completion in Jesus.

If the story was to end with Jesus dead on a cross, we would have no more hope of discovering an answer to these kinds of questions. However, Christians believe that three days later God had performed the greatest miracle of all. The beaten and battered Jesus which people saw on the cross was no longer dead and buried but given new life.

Being a Christian is about trusting that Jesus came to the earth, that He died on a cross, was raised back to life and laid the path to get us back to God again.

You may sense that this is the way of life that you are being led to discover for yourself – the path that God is steering you towards. If that is true for you the next step is to go to the page:

If you would like to talk to someone, please do not hesitate to contact us.